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Did You Know??

1)That you can move your cursor over the widget on your upper left area and hear Upin and Ipin say something? Try it out,then !

2) The meaning of p.s and p.p.s etc?

3) The meaning of RSVP?

4) The meaning of stat/STAT?

p.s : you are not allowed to make a move and find these meanings in the dictionary right now.I'm asking whether you know the words without having to open the dictionary after reading this post..

Tell me if you know,because it's a kind of a riddle and of course I know the answers of my questions.Period.

Leave some comments to answer ! Adios amigo.


nadiah said...

1) Yezza, I know. :D

2) P.S means post script, P.P.S means post post script.

3) RVSP = Reply bla bla bla..Hehe. I don't know.

4) stat definitely refers to statistics,right?

What's the riddle? I can't find any riddle in these answers...Hmmm.

nurhafizoh said...

these are the riddles lah...

no.2 = correct.
no.3 = incorrect.it's latino .but,in conclusion,it just means,Please respond.
n.4 = stat means immediately in medical term~


nurhafizoh said...

opss... not latino,but french~

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