Phewww...hari ni 11 jam weh ada kat hospital..
Hari ni seawal 7 pagi dh betolak ke hosp sbb ada seminar pkl7.15..pintu kunci but still start 7.15 gak la lebih kurang..seminar psl Rheumatoid Arthritis,Gout,Ankylosing Spondylitis etc..Mr.Azaiddin best !! hehe..that's all..pastu igt nk p ward round tp seminar ended at 8.45 a.m.trun g bfast kat kafe nmpk dr2 arthro bfast..seb bek dh abis ward round =)
Habis mkn nek wad nk p sembang2 ngan patient yg aku buat dia tgh wat physiotherapy,so tgk2 n tlg dia sket ja la..pastu siap sedia pkl10 nk ada seminar lg dgn Prof Hassan..tajuk Fracture Healing and Its Complication..tggu pnya tggu,skali postpone seminar p esok pg pkl8..haish..tggu smpi sejam bru nk gtau postpone..
Pastu smgt gila masuk OT (dewan bedah-->x larat dh gtau OT tu apa)..tgk 3 surgeries..lama gila kot la weh....first case,tgk Total Hip Replacement (lama case ni,seb bek masuk nk hujung2 dah),pastu 2nd case,tgk Hemiarthroplasty.then last one,Prof Suhail ajak join,case Closed intertrochanteric fracture of right femur-> yg ni buat Open Reduction Internal Fixation(ORIF).At last,bleh gak tgk ORIF.habis OT dah pkl3.15,siap2 suma n smyg zohor then baru g lunch smpi 4.30.
Pastu patah balik wad nk jmpa patient cwu p Asar dulu..pastu nek wad,family dia plak ada..ramai plak tu..segan nk p jmpa.haish,xpa salin tiket..Pastu p plak cari patient utk aku cover bed utk present grand Ward Round esok although katanya ada seminar pkl 8..esok takut seminar postpone after ward round..skali patient aku xdak kat katil,dia kat OT..argghhh...tension2..esok kna p awal la jwbnya nk cover bed..haish..penat gila balik pkl6 ptg..
Kesimpulannya : belajar penat,kerja apatah lg..dok hosp 11 jam,blk mata kuyu,tp xleh tdoq lg coz msih byk keja..haish,nap pn xsmpt..
Happy 14th anniversary cikgu Norro 😊
2 weeks ago
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