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I love my dentist

Yeah,really.I enjoy going to dental appointments.Because my dentist is super nice ! And he is very gentle,talkative and friendly.

Plus,my dental clinic offers much much cheaper price for its services as compared to other clinics.It's a lot cheaper u know.For example,for Root Canal Treatment or better known as RCT,they only charge you rm350 instead of rm500-600 per tooth.

Not to forget,his assistants are super nice too. I get a lot of gifts every time I buy new toothbrush.Not to mention,the toothbrush sold here is cheaper than in other supermarkets :)

Let's see what I got today :P

I just bought the interdental brush as seen on the far right side.And I got a lot of extra mini gifts.

I loikkkkeeee :P


Ana Jackson said...

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