Hmmm..entry yg panjang.okay meh nak crita skit.aku start posting surgery 30.5 and ends on 29.9. Banyakkk sgt kenangan kat sini.
As a first poster,awal2 masuk mmg blur.baru 1st day masuk dah kena buat blood c&s.time tu rasa ingat tak ingat.lawak plak bila pikir.awal2 masuk wad 4b,general surgery.surgeon in charge kat wad tu mmg cool habis,2 surgeons ukm grad.pastu suka tanya soalan which i liked! I love surgery during my time as a medical student n now i love it kureng skit.i loved being in 4b coz i can answer my specialists' question.fresh grad, mmg la igt lg.time tu plak though tagging blk lmbt tp aku still blk umah bc buku surgery.skrg hmmmpphh..
Then after 2 weeks in 4b masuk plak neurosurgery.time tu mmg blur dgn xbrapa pandai baca ct brain.yg simple mcm EDH,SDH, SAH ok gak sbb ada time tu Mr.A tnya soklan kat my colleague,HO gakla,tnya psl ct brain.time tu la baru aku tau wujudnya falx cerebelli n all in ct scan.hahaha..lawak best gak neuro sbb blajar something new.time jaga kat icu,kena amik csf c&s.hmm..bestla sbb MO dia best tp penat sbb kena rotate stay utk nite round which sometimes ended at 11 pm +.pastu time ni rasa cekap skit interpret GCS.hehe..
Then after 2 weeks,masuk urology plak.time ni aku jaga periphery for 2 weeks plus tlg HO lain buat keja kat main wad urology..huhu.penat gak bangun awal time uro sbb datuk everyday round pkl6.30 pagi without fail.healthy lifestyle sbb turun tangga everyday dr tingkat 7.ohh..rindu datuk yg sgt nice towards HO n his patients :) yg bestnya round abis bleh buat keja cpt.
Then after that p ACC (ambulatory care centre) or better known as hosp gila dok sana for 2 weeks,dpt plak p dgn my best friend fatin,trus syok nak buat keja.makan ais kacang,nasi ayam dgn dr diong hehe..bestlah.sempoi ja.keja pun rileks sbb patients suma stable.mostly transferred here for continuation of antibiotics.haa..kat sini onkol pun best sbb xdak apa sgt kecuali pt sakit nak ubat,temperature spike,vomiting,BP high,branula required etc.ada skali tu aku dah siap2 oncall review n update my MO then bosan ddk dlm blk onkol,trus g layan tgk tv smbl sembang2 dgn patient's relative.hehe..
Then balik sambung pulak kat 4a.Kat sini serius best sbb ada tuttttt..haha..kat sini kami cover patient HPB or hepatobiliary.mostly yg sakit ada ascending cholangitis,cholecystitis with cholelithiasis,elective admission for Whipple's procedure,GIST and many more.Best gak kat sini sbb ada Mr Hari yg best ;)Plus,my colleagues time kat sini pun best,all girls lagi.Tu yg terasa mcm ngam semacam ja.hehe...
Then after keja kat 4a for 2 weeks,kena p balik ACC for a week utk bantu HO kat sana yg kekurangan.Mmg kena ramai gak HO kat ACC esp hari Ahad n Rabu sbb ada 2 OT akan dibuka,and 1 scope.So hari2 cmni kena ada 4 HO lah,sbb 1 org masuk general surgery punya OT,sorg lg masuk OT AVF,1 org masuk scope room n tggl lah 1 org lagi utk buat ward work.kena cover ward work.Time ni lah aku assist OT AVF with Mr N yg cool,then siap sembang2 kutuk shift seriously,I don't think shift system will be beneficial for us,hmm..dunno lah,tak start lg pun kan.
Okay,after balik dari ACC,masuk plak plastic surgery.Awal2 masuk mcm blur sbb xtau nak clerk cmna.Mostly kami punya case mcm E/A for lip repair sbb ada cleft lip/palate,then ada burn cases,facial laceration wounds (post MVA la byk skali) and etc.1st week,aku jaga burn unit.fuuhh,,mencabar gak sbb mostly patients paeds,siap kena amik darah bagai.Dah la xpenah buat paeds lg kan,tp aku try gak.Alhamdulillah dapat.Ada gak case yg tak dpt,kawan aku siap pggl MO paeds tlg set branula.Hmm..patient burn kot,what do u expect.Ada gak actually kawan aku try call HO lain yg dah buat paeds utk tlg,ada yg ok.ada gak yg kerek xmau tolong.Pleaseee la,tak helpful lgsg.Aku harap tak jd camtu if aku dah jd senior skit nnt.Amin.Then ada peluang masuk tgk Split Skin Graft a.k.a SSG.Best sbb our surgeon bg kami mesh the skin utk buat graft.It was fun,seriously ! At least I did something different lah kan,ya lah,selalu amik blood,buat procedure,tls op note etc.Ni dapat hands on utk buat mesh.Rasa mcm pencapaian terbaik dah tu.LOL.
Okay,so after plastic surgery,aku pun masuklah wad 3c,iaitu wad di mana our HOD ditempatkan.Kat sini kena ddk sampai 3-4 weeks for each person.This is an acute ward,so all acute cases such as acute appendicitis,intestinal obstruction,upper GI bleeding,abscess suma masuk sini.Yg syoknya sini byk buat prosedure esp chest tube,central venous line (I did 4 altogether,alhamdulillah ) and many more.Aku seriously suka ward ni sbb banyak belajar and aku suka on call kat ward ni gak.Every day round around 7.45-8 a.m. with our specialists and HOD.Our HOD is strict lah,garang skit2 tapi mcm kebapaan and suka mengajar which I like ! Sbb time medical student dulu mesti ada teaching round every day,so at least I learn something new every day kan? Tak ada lah menonong ikut round n present case ja.Cuma ada gak insiden kena ketuk kepala sbb nak cakap hematemesis tp TERcakap malena.LOL.Cpt btul refleks my HOD,trus kena ketuk,erkkk..malu la sbb medical student ada.Terus down.And another incident which made me sad and put me on the verge of tears.Ada time tu tgh round dah and suddenly my friend had to go to OT and she passed me a paper about her patient.I memorized on my way to that patient(mind u,we had to memorize everything in this ward) and presented the case.And he later found out that I did not examine that patient and I had to take the blame,I was scolded and obviously was soooo sad that I felt every time I talked to my colleagues that day,I almost cried.I intended to save her yet I had to take the blame.But never mind though,I learned a lesson.I shouldn't be taking that pass over if I was not able to go and see the patient.Ok,I admit that I'm wrong for helping my friend.
Overall,aku rasa posting ni best cuma ada la part2 yg xbest yg aku ptt ignore ja.And what's more important,I got a lot of compliments ,from my colleagues and MO.Most of them thought I was not a first poster.Well,that's a good sign,isn't it?(ni bkn utk belagak or whatsoever,but these things are like motivations to me) And once,when I was doing night round with my specialist,he said,' Wow,you can be a surgeon already' just because I answered most of his questions correctly.But then at the very last patient,when he asked me about Hirschsprung's disease and I answered correctly,he seemed pleased but when I mentioned megacolon,he later said,'Aaah,I thought you are good.Never mind,just go back and read about it'.That was the most incredible/inspiring night round I ever had and it was a teaching round ! I loved it.
p/s : I loved Surgery as a medical student and I still love it as a doctor but I won't consider to work as MO in that department in the future.It's just I cannot stand the long working hours and being in OT which is extremely cold !
All in all,I wish all of you who'll enter surgical posting the best.I shall miss surgery afterwards.Auf Wiedersehen ;)
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Happy 14th anniversary cikgu Norro 😊
2 weeks ago