Lama rasanya tak buat new post.pahadal every day bkk blog sbb nk klik kat link sebelah kanan ni ha..
Today nak cerita sket pasal my last posting as a house officer (ED a.k.a casualty a.k.a Accident & Emergency posting).Start posting 29/5/13 tp end on 8/6/13 sbb amik extra 10 days leave for chickenpox.
Ah yes,I got chickenpox during this posting. start mula2 tu actually risau gila okay.rasa macam tak tau apa.Maklumla before this duduk dalam ward ja.So diagnosis dah established and continue plan ja kan.Tp ni semua kita kena clerk balik.Pastu make a diagnosis and our own plan okay,at the same time,our MO akan guide us.
Tapi walaupun takut2 MO ED sangatlah best (ni bukan bodek okay).They will guide us.Specialist best,staff best and paling best mestilah colleague terchentaaa..haha
Kami kat ED ni kena divide into few shifts and zones.Ada 3 zones,Red zone,Yellow zone and Green asthma bay and procedure room and Observation room.
Kes2 kecemasan sahaja..sila pahamkan ya..patutnya kecemasan sahaja yg mai A&E ni,tapi hmmm..kes2 mcm jerawat pecah pun ada mai malam2 pkl 4 pagi.cmna tu?xkan nak MC kot eh?hahahaa..macam2 kerenah kan?
Kes red zone - macam kes MVA (motor vehicle accident) with severe head injury,patient with low blood pressure,diabetic ketoacidosis,intubated patients,acute MI (sakit jaunting) and etc yg severe lay
Kes yellow zone- chest pain (acute coronary syndrome), severe pain macam kes renal colic,MVA yg unable to walk,high blood pressure,stroke etc
Kes green zone-macam kes2 xberapa cemas,contohnya demam panas (bukan denggi ya),sesak nafas, dan macam2 kes yg unbelievable
Kes Observation Room-yg awaiting investigation result macam suspect dengue,appendicitis,uncontrolled DM,dehydration ka,hyperventilation syndrome ka
Asthma bay - kes asthma or COPD yg perlukan nebulised medication
Procedure room- kes MVA with abrasion wounds/ laceration wound yg perlukan jahitan,tukar Ryle's tube,tukar CBD,foreign body in eyes/ears
Awal2 masuk tu houseman ada 8 orang.Yg masuk sekali dgn aku ada lg 2 org,so total suma jadi 11 orang la termasuk aku.Fuuhhh..memang mencabar okay.1 zone sorang ja jaga.
1 HO -red zone
1 HO-yellow zone
1 HO-green zone,asthma bay,procedure room and OR
Mmg terkejar2 esp yg jaga the latter tu
My very first night shift java yellow zone dgn sorg ja basically 2 org kami ja jaga yellow zone.patient came in with chest pain ramai gila ! ntah knapa hari chest pain sedunia kot..haha..maka banyaklah referral to cardiology
Afterwards,dah ramai HO start joining ED.ED makin meriah okay ! beban kerja kurang sket.bleh la bahagi HO ramai sket utk jaga satu2 zone tu ..
Pastu masuk ED banyak bleh join course.contohnya macam ACLS (advanced cardiac life support),ATLS (trauma life support),MTLS (malaysian trauma life support) and BLS (basic life support).Aku dapat join BLS and MTLS,pastu ada megacode session (macam ACLS jugakla)
Banyak belajar kat sini.Daripada sekecil2 URTI ke acute myocardial infarction yg perlu Streptokinase and severe head injury.
And on 1/4/13 till 10/4/13 I took leave sbb dapat chickenpox.Mmg seksa betoi kena chickenpox ni,fuhhh xmau dah !
Then on 29/4/13 I had my braces off ,Yay !
Last2 sedar2 dah habis ED.Aku present tajuk Burn and Inhalational injuries.Lepas present trus banyak kes burn aku dapat.Mmg apply betoi lah !
In ED ni jugak belajar buat chest tubes,intubation,central lines,managing amputated limbs and mcm2 lagi.Memang best sgtttt..banyak belajar.
All in all,rindulah ED.Best ooohh..esp when our referral got accepted and when diagnosis that we made as first liners is correct ! Alhamdulillah :)
I really3 love ED.Thanks to all great colleagues and bosses